Shoulder Sprain Treatment Clinic in Twin Falls, ID
A shoulder sprain or strain is a tear in the shoulder ligaments (sprain) or muscles (strain). At Magic Valley Medicine and Quicker Care, our doctors specialize in managing shoulder sprain and strains. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 844 North Washington St. Suite 400 Twin Falls, ID 83301.

Table of Contents:
How do I know if I have a sprained shoulder?
What does a shoulder sprain feel like?
Is a shoulder sprain serious?
How long does it take to heal a sprained shoulder?
The shoulder is one of the most flexible and mobile joints with perhaps the greatest range of motion of any joint. The shoulder is also somewhat of a large area, taking up the tops of the arms and back (trapezius), as well as the sides of the arms (deltoids). Because of the large area and wide range of motion, shoulders can undergo many different injuries, most commonly to the ligaments, but also to the muscles or tendons.
If you sprained your shoulder, it will likely present with symptoms such as shoulder joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion and flexibility, and muscle spasms. A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon (versus a sprain which is an injury to a ligament), and therefore affects how the muscles and/or tendons function, often with limited range of motion and weakness. A sprained shoulder may present with these same symptoms, in addition to:
• Bruising or changes in skin color
• Pain and stiffness, especially with movement
• Swelling and tenderness
A shoulder sprain, tearing or pulling of a ligament (the tough, fibrous tissues that connect bones and enable them with motion), typically feels like a throbbing ache deep within the shoulder. The pain can range from mild to severe, and range of motion, such as lifting your arm up, can be completely impeded. A sprain usually feels like a deep bruise, as it often results in bruising. When a shoulder is sprained, it can be difficult to raise your arm above your head, to the side, or in front of you, depending on which area is damaged.
In some cases, a shoulder sprain can be serious, depending on the extent of damage and the limitations it imposes on mobility, range of motion and quality of life. A shoulder sprain may be serious if:
• There is new or increased swelling & pain
• There is new or increased stiffness when moving your injured shoulder
• Symptoms do not improve within a week
• Severe pain occurs when you move your shoulder, or when it is touched
• Skin feels cold or clammy
• There is a numbness, tingling, or a feeling of pins and needles (paresthesia) in your shoulder
• The skin on your injured shoulder looks blue or pale
The time it takes for a sprained shoulder to heal varies depending on the severity of the injury, with more serious sprains requiring more time to heal. Mild (grade 1) sprains typically begin to heal within one to two weeks; most patients can resume normal activity shortly after. Moderate (grade 2) sprains generally take at least four weeks to around a month to heal. Severe (grade 3) sprains can take as long as six to eight weeks to heal fully, but this time can be extended if the proper treatment is not provided. Furthermore, if the sprain requires surgery, it may take as long as several months to fully recover.
Recovery times can be accelerated with some simple lifestyle changes and a proactive treatment plan that includes physical therapy exercises and at-home remedies such as RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, elevation). After the initial healing period, it is imperative to participate in physical therapy stretches and exercises in order to restore form and function to the injured shoulder.
The experienced shoulder sprain treatment specialists at Magic Valley Medicine and Quicker Care are here to help you recover faster. Call us today to book an appointment at our shoulder sprain treatment clinic, or visit our office conveniently located at 844 North Washington Street, Suite 400, Twin Falls, ID 83301. We look forward to serving you! We serve patients from Twin Falls ID, Kimberly ID, Filer ID, Hansen ID, Buhl ID, and Jerome ID, and BEYOND.

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