Ear Wax Removal Clinic in Twin Falls, ID
If left untreated, earwax can cause a variety of more serious issues. Trust the experienced medical If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of excessive earwax production and blocked ear canals, come to Magic Valley Medicine and Quicker Care for professional care. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 844 North Washington St. Suite 400 Twin Falls, ID 83301.
Table of Contents:
What causes excessive ear wax?
How can I tell if my ear is blocked with wax?
Is earwax removal good for your ears?
What happens if earwax is not removed?
As a defense mechanism, wax is produced in the ear canal to protect the inner ear from dust and other particulates, as well as insects. Our ears are constantly creating wax, and, like wildly growing hair, if we do not maintain it, it can become difficult to remove, such as from impaction. In addition to this, sometimes ear wax can get pushed into the canal, blocking the eardrum and muffling sound. This can be potentially dangerous, and often requires professional medical intervention.
The excessive production of earwax can have several causes, including any of the following most common reasons:
• Ear Perforation — Ear perforation occurs when the eardrum’s thin and delicate membrane tissue is damaged. Because of this condition, the wax produced in the middle ear can no longer move or migrate out, resulting in excessive wax buildup. Ear perforation is caused primarily by loud noises, changes in blood pressure, or head and ear injury.
• Inner Ear Infection — The risk of inner ear infection is increased by ear perforation. The wax produced in the middle ear aids in the prevention of bacteria entry. However, because of the infection, the wax can no longer remove the bacteria or any other organisms present. Furthermore, this condition may cause pus drainage in the middle ear, resulting in increased wax production and buildup.
• Ear Candling — Ear candling is a method of cleaning the ears that uses hollow cones of beeswax or paraffin. This can cause parts of the ear to burn, causing residues to remain inside. As an immediate response to lubricating the damages caused by candling, debris in the ear canal can also increase the rate of wax production.
• Ear Blockage — Earwax impaction can occur due to earwax blockage. As a result, the wax may be pushed deeper into the ear canal. The use of Q-tips, cotton swabs and other objects such as bobby pins are some of the most common blockages. Earphones, which prevent the release and cause blockage, can also contribute to the buildup of earwax.
Signs and symptoms of earwax blockage include:
• Earache
• Feeling of fullness in the ear
• Ringing or noises in the ear (tinnitus)
• Hearing loss
• Dizziness
• Cough
• Itchiness in the ear
• Odor or discharge in the ear
• Pain or infection in the ear
Yes, earwax removal is suitable for your ears. While ear wax is the ear’s natural protective barrier from debris, it can accumulate too quickly, needing to be removed manually. Although there are benefits to removing earwax, it should never be performed at home, as this can cause damage to the ear canal and eardrum, potentially affecting hearing. To have your earwax removed, you should always visit a medical professional, such as the ones at Magic Valley Medicine and Quicker Care.
If excess ear wax is not removed, it can build up and cause a blockage. Symptoms of a blocked ear can include hearing loss, irritation, increased susceptibility to ear infections, balance issues, and distorted audio. If earwax builds up too much, it could block the visible passage into the ear, making a diagnosis much more difficult until the issue is addressed.
If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of excessive earwax production and blocked ear canals, come to Magic Valley Medicine and Quicker Care for professional care. Call us today to book an appointment at our ear wax removal clinic, or visit our office conveniently located at 844 North Washington Street, Suite 400, Twin Falls, ID 83301. We look forward to serving you! We serve patients from Twin Falls ID, Kimberly ID, Filer ID, Hansen ID, Buhl ID, and Jerome ID, and BEYOND.
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